my carrd !ooooooooooo x


18 y/o, they/he, danish, dan/engfeel free to switch between the names mathias, marlowe, and ares! i don't really have a preference

DNI ! basic dni criteria, under 13 (preferably 15+ but whatever),
o:3 ^ _ ^ o_O (@~@) :-)
BYF ! i retweet a Lot, mainly talk about music, i swear and use caps, i'm bad at talking but i will try
o(-: (@~@) O_o ^ _ ^ Ɛ:

FAVS! damon albarn, graham coxon, jarvis cocker, thom yorke, ed o'brien, rose elinor dougall, pj harvey

YES! britpop (esp blur n pulp), radiohead, music in general (feel free to hmu abt it!!), neil gaiman (esp the sandman), dnd, languages

NO! assholes? i guess? idk. i don't like licorice. or sweating

OTHER! i draw and sometimes post it here, i'm learning bass + play the drums slightly better, learning italian and latin (i don't post about that tho)